How to Get Permanent Marker off of Plastic Seat Covers

Permanent marker ink is formulated to be only that — permanent. In some instances, however, you could have the ability to remove accidental feces stains from surfaces such as plastic seat covers with harsh chemicals. It might take more than 1 way to totally remove the mark ink.

Treat Marker Stains with Drugs

Apply rubbing alcohol into the tip of a cotton swab or a folded paper towel. Wipe the mark stains following the direction of the stain — when the mark goes from left to right, wipe from left to right. Check the swab or paper towel to find out whether any of the ink has moved to it. Otherwise, hold the alcohol-soaked item atop the ink stain for 30 seconds or so, then rub it with a brand new paper towel. This might be enough to remove the stain in the plastic bench cover.

Treat Marker Stains with Citrus-Based Sticker-Remover

If rubbing alcohol doesn’t work, or doesn’t remove the stain entirely, coat the ink having a citrus-based sticker-remover (after testing it in an inconspicuous area of the bench first). Permit the liquid to sit for many minutes, then rub it away with a brand new paper towel. Wash the area with ultra soapy water on a sponge or paper towel later. If the citrus treatment doesn’t work entirely, rub the stain with a melamine foam eraser made to clean marks from all kinds of household surfaces.

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