How to Eradicate Chocolate Stains on Couches

While it may be tempting to eat chocolate as you sit on the couch and watch your favorite program, finding little pieces of chocolate melted on the couch cloth afterwards is disheartening. Whatever the fabric or material that the sofa is made of, removing the errant chocolate entirely requires a few steps; then, your sofa can return to its own chocolate-free cleanliness once again. When dealing with a liquid chocolate, like chocolate sauce, the more quickly you clean out the mess, the easier it might be to remove, since it wo not have an opportunity to soak deeply into the cloth fibers.

Scrape the chocolate spot with the edge of a butter knife or piece of card stock, like an index card, scraping from the outside edge of the chocolate spot inwards to prevent spreading the chocolate. Hold the edge of a piece of paper as you scrape push the chocolate onto the paper for removal. Continue scraping until you’ve removed as much chocolate as possible.

Place a few ice cubes in a zippered plastic bag if any chocolate residue remains and seems soft or partially melted. Place the bag of ice over the chocolate for 10 minutes or until the chocolate hardens. Eliminate the ice bag and then repeat Step 1 to scrape the hardened chocolate residue.

Squirt a drop a mild liquid dish soap on a moist sponge. Blot the chocolate stain with the wax, massaging the spot from the outside edge to lift away the chocolate. Continue until you’ve removed as much of the spot as possible.

Rinse the sponge and wipe the spot again to remove any remaining soap. Pat dry with a white towel; using a white as opposed to a coloured towel prevents dye from moving on the upholstery.

Scatter enough cornmeal within the chocolate to cover the spot if any chocolate remains. Allow to set for 30 minutes or so to absorb oily deposits left from the chocolate. Wipe with a dry towel.

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