How to Care for Strawberry Plants in Winter

It’s possible for you to enjoy fresh strawberries in your garden in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10. Various varieties produce fruit at various times throughout the growing season. Following your strawberries are finished producing fruit, usually in fall or summer, cut or mow the plants down to 1 or 2 inches above the shingles. When winter arrives, it’s time to watch over your strawberry plants by keeping them warm until spring.

Cover strawberry plants after temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Use 3 to 4 inches of loose mulch, such as leaves or straw. This is essential in climates where winter temperatures are often below freezing. Eliminate impurities in spring when the strawberry plants begin to grow again or when temperatures remain regularly above freezing.

Protect strawberry crops temporarily in warmer climates on unusual cold, freezing nights. In the evening, cover crops with a sheet of spunbound dampening, recommends University of Oregon, and remove it in the morning. A bed sheet or piece of burlap can suffice in a crunch.

Bring potted strawberries into a protected area where freezing temperatures are not an issue. Potted plants are not as insulated as ground plants and are more vulnerable to winter injury. A covered porch, garage or basement may work nicely. If you cannot transfer the container, then cover the plants with mulch as you’d land plants or drape a sheet of burlap on top of the container.

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